Triumph of Truth – book review

51wluoy9dul-_sx301_bo1204203200_Here is a book that made me think if I was doing even ten percent of what the author had done in his job.

D.R.Karthikeyan’s rivetting chronology of events that led to the tragic assassination of Rajiv Gandhi and how he unravelled the conspiracy and the perpetrators of the heinous act.

It is a shame for all Tamils that Rajiv was killed in Tamil Nadu by a Tamil militant group from Sri Lanka. The irony is it was a Tamil officer Karthikeyan who investigated the crime and restored the prestige of the Indian police.

The book is replete with minute details of the case – how evidence was gathered, validated and confirmed from different agencies including the FBI. The pains the SIT team undertook to bring out the truth baffles the reader.

Some details terrify : The LTTE chose to kill Rajiv in TN so that Indian Tamils all over India would be targetted by non-Tamils. When that happens, the LTTE trained TNRF ( Tamil National Retrieval Force), a loose militant group trained by the LTTE, would cause disturbace in Tamil Nadu which could lead to the Indian Tamils rising against India. A fanciful idea but a terrible one. Only a sick mind could even house such thoughts.

What is more relevant for us, Indian Tamils, is the fact that parochialism and regionalism do no good to the state and the country. And anti-national forces like the DK which helped the LTTE even after Rajiv’s assassination should be condemned to the dustbins of history.

A delectable read. You are bound to be awed by the professionalism of the SIT led by D.R.Karthikeyan of the IPS.

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